Frequently Asked Questions -

I know that there are a lot of golf apps and coaching videos out there, and some might be helpful. But do you want coaching from 100’s of different golf coaches, each with their own way of approaching the game, or do you want coaching from a single PGA Golf Pro who, with 30 plus years of experience, can fix your swing issues quickly? I have never come across a swing I couldn’t fix!

That’s great – it’s obvious you’re really serious about being the best golfer you can be. And that’s exactly why my membership program is for you. Why? Because the best way to learn is when you’re out on the practice range or playing a round with your friends. You need coaching when you’re having issues with your shot, and that’s what my app gives you.

Yes! All of our video coaching is designed to help you lower your handicap. After all, that’s what every golfer wants, right? We know that not all golfers struggle with the same issues, but they do want the same outcome – and when they get it, they stop feeling so frustrated and really start to enjoy the game a lot more. We want to help you to love golf, every game.

Nope, I’m filming never-seen-before coaching footage in a way that is personal, actionable, easy-to-understand and implement yourself. And remember, there’s a lot of free tips out there, and it’s not always helpful. A lotta times, it can be confusing! We’re taking the confusion out of it.

You can download GolfersU on the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play (Android).

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